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Parent involvement in the process of creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law in the United States that ensures children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriate public education alongside their peers without disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Yet much research has shown that parents often feel like outsiders during the process. To understand parent perspectives about how educators might help make the IEP process more collaborative and inclusive, this study collected qualitative data from 35 parents of students with disabilities who have worked to develop an IEP with a school team. Our findings provide insight into parent experiences and evidence that parents have many suggestions for how educators can improve the IEP process. In our discussion section, we provide educators with strategies to address parent suggestions.  相似文献   
This study investigates how large companies respond to public policy measures to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream employment based on a case study of four companies in Norway and Sweden. The qualitative interviews, which were conducted with company managers, government representatives in Norway, and non-governmental organisations in Sweden, revealed three overarching themes: (1) ‘legitimacy’, (2) ‘financial interests’ and (3) ‘non-financial support’. The results indicate a more proactive response from the Swedish companies, especially regarding persons with intellectual and learning difficulties. The Norwegian companies reveal a high commitment to their own employees. These findings cannot be explained solely using neo-institutional theory, which holds that organisations demonstrate ‘conformity with powerful institutional myths to strengthen support and secure survival'. The results indicate that inclusive targeted corporate policies and programmes, advisory support, and the agency and value choices of the management might matter more.  相似文献   
自信是一种信念及精神,中国道路自信是中华儿女对中华民族发展能力及前途的信任,其形成与中国百年发展辉煌成就息息相关.中国道路自信源自中国道路的正确选择.建党百年来,中国共产党带领中华儿女历经千难万险,先后成功开辟新民主主义革命道路、社会主义改造及社会主义建设道路、中国特色社会主义道路.全国人民在百年磨砺中增强了中国道路自信.这种自信承载着中华儿女的无数梦想,是中华民族复兴的软实力.树立中国道路自信的理论前提,关键在于对中国道路优越性的彰显.只有将其置于不同参照系中进行多维度比较,才能使其优越性得以全面彰显,并愈加坚定不移地沿着这条道路阔步前行.显然,站在新时代历史方位上,通过梳理、总结建党百年来中国道路发展历程,将中国道路置于自身与"他者"之历史与现实中,进行共时态与历时态之比较,以唯物史观回望并厘清建党百年来中国道路自信生成逻辑,具有极其重大意义,既能彰显中国特色社会主义道路的优越性,又能激发全体中华儿女愈加自信地"走自己的路"——中国特色社会主义道路,筑牢中华民族共同体意识,阔步迈向全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义制度具有相对的稳定性、较强的持续性,是中国道路的固态化呈现、中国理论的制度化表达、中国文化的正式化沉淀,因而成为辨识中国特色社会主义最直接的标志和最鲜明的特征。中国特色社会主义制度的本质特征主要体现在以下四个方面:一是在方向层面以中国共产党为“中轴结构”实现对一切工作的有效领导;二是在立场层面坚持以人民为中心的价值取向;三是在方略层面坚持守正与创新的有机统一;四是结构层次层面的延展性。全面把握中国特色社会主义制度的本质特征,对于深入理解中国特色社会主义的内在结构、社会主义国家制度的本质以及人类制度文明的新发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
People who have visual impairments exceed 250 million persons worldwide and represent an important cohort of museum visitors. However, they experience many constraints to participation in daily life. Few studies analyse the accessibility of museums to visitors with visual impairments, and many are confined to a single museum and to a small set of strategies for improving accessibility. This article aims to identify a broad set of strategies to increase the accessibility of museums to visitors with visual impairments and analyse the accessibility of museums in four European cities. Conclusions and implications for policy-makers and museum managers, designed to promote the creation of inclusive museums, are presented.  相似文献   
This study, from a feminist perspective, aimed at examining the experiences of women whose children with cerebral palsy received a treatment at a physiotherapy and rehabilitation center located in Ankara, Turkey. The study intended to reveal the perceptions of in-family roles of women with disabled children, their participation in public life, and their self-concept within the scope of feminist social work. Thus, the objective of the present study was to contribute to the understanding of the fact that non gender-blind services should be developed in this field on the basis of social justice and human rights, which constitutes the fundamental philosophy of social work. Qualitative research method was employed in the study where data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings of the study were interpreted under four main themes: the lives of the women with disabled children after their disabled children were born; being a woman within the scope of family life, participation in decision-making processes, and domestic division of labor; participation in public life and relations with women's associations; the self-sacrifice; and the suggestions of women concerning self-realization within the scope of self-concept.  相似文献   
我国有证搜查还处于内部控制、自我约束和事后监督的阶段。被搜查者的合法权利不得不严重依赖于侦查人员搜查的文明程度。而无证搜查立法的拘谨与侦查实践的现实需要之间存在显著的差异。我国搜查措施所存在的问题,显示出搜查措施对侦查机关的规范和约束力度还处于较低的水平,对被搜查者权利的保障仍有所不足。我国不仅需要完善有证搜查制度,而且更需要建立和规范以同意搜查为核心的无证搜查制度,以追随刑事诉讼现代化之步伐,实现法治中国之梦想。  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,中国共产党因国家和社会现实需要,不同时期对十月革命的纪念与阐释呈现出不同的主题.社会主义革命与建设时期,中国共产党借十月革命表达了在社会主义建设、中苏关系协调、社会主义阵营的团结和世界和平的维护方面的政治诉求.改革开放后,十月革命的纪念又为中国特色社会主义道路的探索建构起双向话语支撑,既明确了中国改革的政治方向,又建构了中国特色的社会主义话语.中国共产党对十月革命的纪念与阐释呈现出反对历史虚无主义、坚持服务现实、彰显主体意识的鲜明特点.中国特色社会主义道路不仅仅是对十月革命道路的坚持和继承,更是在新的时代条件下以中国为本位对这一道路的发展与创新.站在新的历史方位,中国共产党强调应坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路.  相似文献   
People differ in their comfort with tampering with the natural world. Although some see altering nature as a sign of human progress, others see it as dangerous or hubristic. Across four studies, we investigate discomfort with tampering with the natural world. To do so, we develop the Aversion to Tampering with Nature (ATN) Scale, a short scale that is the first to directly measure this discomfort. We identify six activities that people believe tamper with nature (geoengineering, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, cloning, gene therapy, and nanoparticles) and show that ATN scores are associated with opposition to these activities. Furthermore, the ATN Scale predicts actual behavior: donations to an anti-tampering cause. We demonstrate that ATN is related to previously identified constructs including trust in technology, naturalness bias, purity values, disgust sensitivity, aversion to playing God, and environmental beliefs and values. By illuminating who is concerned about tampering with nature and what predicts these beliefs, the ATN Scale provides opportunities to better understand public opposition to technological innovations, consumer preferences for “natural” products, and strategies for science communication.  相似文献   
先秦法家在与儒家“礼治”的争论中提出“法治”思想,并与战国时期富国强兵的国家策略结合,变法图存的“法治”实践此起彼伏。其中最为成功的是秦国的商鞅变法,秦国由此迅速崛起并最终吞并六国,建立起统一的封建国家。秦帝国的建立是“法治”思想和实践的里程碑,大秦将集权专制和“法治”相互糅合,将法家重刑思想发展到极端,走向了崇尚暴力和滥刑滥杀的野蛮恐怖境地,导致天下怨叛,秦王朝二世而亡,君权至上最终将法治引向了集权专制的死胡同。  相似文献   
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